OFSTED REPORT / 13th May 2019

A Good School.

The manager monitors the quality of staff’s interactions with children effectively, such as through regular supervision sessions. She monitors the development made by different groups of children to ensure they make good progress from the start.

Children arrive happy and settle well. They form warm and trusting relationships with staff and friendships with other children in the group.

Staff provide positive role models for children and help them to develop good social skills. Children behave well, have good manners and treat others kindly.

Staff plan exciting activities each week to broaden children’s learning experiences, which they rotate every half term to include all children. For instance, children join in weekly walks, visits to the library van, cooking, gardening and music sessions.

The management team supports staff’s professional development well to enhance their skills and to improve outcomes for children. For example, staff have introduced visual timelines and picture displays to support children’s communication and language skills,
and literacy, further.

A highly qualified and professional staff team committed to their own continual professional development and that of the pre-school.