Where we live

We have been exploring where we all live. Most of the preschool children live in Winterslow so we drew a village map and added all their houses to it. Some live outside the village so we added their homes to the roads that lead out of the village towards their homes. We also added trees for the woodland areas, pictures of the parks and school and churches and shops. The children coloured in vehicle’s to represent their own driving through the village, and we have talked about all our homes, including the size of them and who lives in them including our pets, if they have stairs and gardens and if they are attached to other houses or are on their own. On our Welly walks we have seen some of the children’s homes and we have learnt a very catchy song called ‘this is where we live’ that we has helped the children learn how different all our homes are from each others.


End of Term 1


Our Families