Story Bags
We are already three weeks into Term 3 and what a busy three weeks we have had. Week 1 we were enjoying our story bag ‘Handa’s Surprise’ and the children had a Handa role play area, learnt about some African animals, and they drew and coloured lots of fruit from Handa’s basket.
Week 2 we enjoyed our story bag called ‘Bumble bear’. All the children made their own bees which went on display with our beehive we made and we learnt all about how bees make honey.
This week our story bag is Goldilocks and the three bears. We have the bears house with the big bowl or porridge, the medium bowl of porridge and the little bowl of porridge for the children to pretend be eating as the bears. Our older children have been completing story maps and the young children have been making their own bear crowns to wear.
Inbetween all of this we have enjoyed some forest school lessons in the woods, visiting the library van, learning some new songs and playing with gloop. Next week we will start learning about the Chinese new year and how and why it is celebrated. Look out for our update on this soon.