Our 5 senses

We have started our new term by exploring our 5 senses - our noses to smell, our ears to hear, our eyes to see, our tongue to taste and our hands to touch. We have linked lots of activities to this topic, including sensory painting and playdoh, making apple crumble, touch, smell and see scavenger hunt, feeling different textures activities and playing with cloud dough and gloop in the garden. We all use our 5 senses every day so it has been good to show the children how important these are and how often we all use them. It has led to lots of inquisitive questioning and conversations from them.

We have also enjoyed more Autumn walks and enjoyed playing in the leaves and seeing the colours they are all changing as we head into winter. Our next topic is going to be Christmas and we have lots of fun things planned with lots of sprinles’s of glitter!


Winterslow Christmas craft fair


Start of Term 2