Holiday club update
We have had a great three days of Holiday club. Day 1 involved making Halloween biscuits which looked like coffins and then the children decorated them with spiders and witches. We also made some Halloween salt dough decorations. We ended day 1 with a trip up to Barry’s field for a game of football.
Day 2 was spent making Halloween wreaths and painting the salt dough decorations. We also had a very wet and muddy play outside for 2 hours and and built our own cardboard castle which the younger children all spent time colouring and playing inside.
Day 3 included a Halloween walk. Puzzles pieces of a Bat, Ghost and Pumpkin had been hidden on the walk. The children worked in teams to find the pieces in the woodland and once they were all found and the puzzles were complete every child received a bag of Halloween sweets. They also all had a pumpkin to take home today too which they carved their own designs into.
It has been a great week with a big age range of children who have all played, helped and been kind to each other, and most of all had some fun.