Farm Animals

So far this term we have revisited life cycles, which we do every year. We looked at the life cycles of Ladybirds, Butterflies, Frogs and Bees. One of our bank staff keeps bees and we were al lucky enough to try some of her honey. It was delicious!

We have been looking at the life cycles of plants too. All the children have planted some runner beans so we can see how well they grow. We have also all enjoyed seeing the new flowers and greenery grow around us in our garden with our beautiful blossom tree and on welly walks, where we have been enjoying watching the bluebells grow each week, and now the woods are a sea of blue with them fully formed.

We are now learning about the farm and animals which may live on one. The children have been learning the names of baby animals. We have had a roleplay farm shop at preschool selling all the products that might be produced on a farm, as well as playing with our small world farm toys. We have lots of books where the children have been gaining information on all the equipment used at a farm like combine harvesters and tractors and this week all the children made their own cow masks.


May Bank Holiday


Term 5