Christmas fun

We have been a bit quiet on our blog but not quiet in everything we have been doing.

The children have been having a very busy time. In November they were learning about Nocturnal animals and where they live, we found some of the badger and rabbit burrows on our welly walks.

We have also been having lots of christmas fun. The children have alll made so many christmas crafts, including wreaths, cards, glittery stars and printing pictures, stockings and tree decorations. They have also made mince pies to give to parents when we have our Christmas sing along to them next week when we break up for Chrsitmas.

The Children have also visited the primary school to watch their nativity. They have visited tuesday club and sang to them as well as making all 25 members a christmas card. Tomorrow we have a road show pantomime coming to perform for us, and next week we are excited about going on the bus to tots city role play centre for a special end of term trip out.


Tots City Trip


Term 2